Sunday, July 6, 2008


I was so bored that I looked things up in a dictionary.
the state of being bored; tedium; ennui.
dullness, doldrums, weariness.
excitement, diversion, amusement.

the feeling of being bored by something tedious
The realm of bores; bores, collectively.
Arabic: مَلَلٌ، ضَجَرٌ
Latvian: garlaicība
Lithuanian: nuobodulys
Norwegian: kjedsomhet
Polish: nuda
Portuguese (Brazil): aborrecimento
Portuguese (Portugal): tédio
Romanian: plic­ti­seală
Russian: скука, тоска
Slovak: nuda
Slovenian: dolgčas
Spanish: aburrimiento
Swedish: leda
Turkish: can sıkıntısı, sıkıntı
consequentally... this is what I do when I am bored. which ends up turning into sleeping. ZZZZ!!

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