Sunday, July 6, 2008


I was so bored that I looked things up in a dictionary.
the state of being bored; tedium; ennui.
dullness, doldrums, weariness.
excitement, diversion, amusement.

the feeling of being bored by something tedious
The realm of bores; bores, collectively.
Arabic: مَلَلٌ، ضَجَرٌ
Latvian: garlaicība
Lithuanian: nuobodulys
Norwegian: kjedsomhet
Polish: nuda
Portuguese (Brazil): aborrecimento
Portuguese (Portugal): tédio
Romanian: plic­ti­seală
Russian: скука, тоска
Slovak: nuda
Slovenian: dolgčas
Spanish: aburrimiento
Swedish: leda
Turkish: can sıkıntısı, sıkıntı
consequentally... this is what I do when I am bored. which ends up turning into sleeping. ZZZZ!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

So, pretty much everyone knows this, but I am the craziest clutz you will ever meet. Oh my!!! so besides just about every part of me hurting I killed my ankle boating and so guess what? it's all bruised. It looks really good compared to a couple of days ago, but just to give you a small idea....
sorry if you can't read the read... all of the arrows point to either a bruise or a cut(only one cut/burn thingy) and then the arch is to compare how white one foot is compared to the bruised one.

Drama Banquet

Oh and these pictures were from this drama banquet at the end of the year. It was fun, but in those pictures my eyes were all watery and stuff... but you get the idea.

Dance Concert

So... I know it's been a while, but our camera chord was gone so now that we've found it I have pictures from my dance concert in May. It was super cool. Actually on our hip-hop dance the cd started to skip so we got to do it again. but these are our warms ups!!! pretty cool huh?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Left side, strong side

Remember on
Remember the
how everyone was like left side, strong side, left side, strong side?!
...well apparently my left side is my strong side cuz guess what? I sprained my right wrist, broke out in a rash on my bicep and jammed my shoulder. how fun for me huh?

The Boating experience.

OH MY WORD!!! Boating was so muchmore fun than I could've even dreamed! We hoocked this tube to the boat and then he floored it and we just tried to hold on for dear life. It was so much fun. I can't believe I was actually on a boat!!! and i swam where the fish swam!!! haha. It reminded me of California where we surfed everyday! And then it made me seriously crave an in and out burger. MMMM.....................